

Day Shift 1 (Inevitable)

leveled soil, measured row width

seeds sprout on the fourth day

gently watered, here comes

the neighborhood mole

efficient tunnel delineated

with a streak of raised soil

[RK, 11/7/2020]



Day Shift 2 (Not For Profit)

you made it happen, that one

analog switch that becomes


what I did not know I wanted

told me how to proceed, apace


or how to widen our endeavor’s scope

until we make it happen, that one

[RK, 11/7/2020]



Day Shift 3

recent acquisitions, the lure

dangled elusive bait


revealed visions behind recently

opened doors, waterproofed, tart


relinquished to the sublime, but

I am expected to supply the prizes

[RK, 11/7/2020]



Day Shift 4

First Cloud: “You’re always late!”

Second Cloud: “I need to rain.”

FC: “Someone else can rain.”

SC: “I need to shadow.”

FC: “Someone else can shadow.”

SC: “I need to guide the storm.”

FC: “Someone else can guide the storm”

SC: “I need to provide inspiration.”

FC: “Someone else can provide inspiration.”

SC: “I need.”

[RK, 11/7/2020]

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