
Diamond Underwear

Resolution is no resolution. 

There are no days.

There is no waiting, no patience, 

no revelation minor or major.

There is no day to begin counting.

There is nothing to count.

There are no words and no such 

thing as a poem.

[LSS, 2/4/24]

1,333 Days

searched for <how many days since June 10, 2020>
lacking the capacity for surprise
this minor revelation reveals how long
I have waited, after waiting 23,207 days
to begin again and again
and again this patient wait for resolution
that never arrives

you would say
“the journey is the destination”
“this circle represents all wandering”
“unbalance is part of balance”
“Nirvana is and is not”
and you would be correct.

[RK, 2/3/24]

Midnight Snack I am stuffing my mouth with whole, rotting cantaloups, caravans of them, to avoid being the one who eats that precious...