
Tempest in a Teapot

Pepper brings on sneezing
there is no pleasing the waves,
sky, gull, sand.

It’s a metaphorical dance
among dried seaweed
and mangrove wrecks.

I take a chance.
Or, fail to remember
a saving grace.

Slit open the envelope.
Roll up the announcement and
stuff it in a bottle.

Beachcomber wrack and
the trek back to the
parking lot.

Slim chance, no chance,
what is chance?
A metaphor for sneezing.

[RK, 2/11/21]

Narwhal Metaphor

not the olive or whelk
the oyster or conch
but the three centimeter

white auger shell
reduced, shrunken
this is a mistake

possibly, probably,
patently true if it
reminds me of you

[RK, 2/11/21]

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