
Feeding Frenzy

are symbiotic relationships evident in Cambrian layers?
how can we explore a quartz-filled slip-fault when crystals
gamely propagate in undiscovered Canadian Shield caves?

fastidious, faltered, fixated on near-Arctic idyls
where the Cod Moratorium devastated quaint villages
and left behind the twenty-four-seven wake-up call

trillions of microbes and light-years of mycelium in tons of soil
toil beneath our feet, Tolstoy once asked
how much land does a man need?

[RK, 5/19/22]

Action Crusader in Retirement

“Here on this molehill I will sit me down.”—3 Henry VI

patiently awaiting
tango impossibility
confines of the bang-o
the cha-cha-charred carbon
that is no longer “fun”
banned from Abstract Expressionism
pressured to accept
adept manipulation and its attendant
slant of political persuasions
unable to proceed
balanced against the need
to feed the monster
of stir-crazy emotions
making a dent in the workload
patiently awaiting

[RK, 5/19/22]

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Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...