
Escape Velocity

I waited for the mockingbird
to notice the anole
eating a bug

whole food chains appeared
from T-Rex to the great white
plausibility conundrum

destroying other life forms
is how life forms continue
to live, breathe, breed

with a whoop-de-doo
and a hey-nonnie-nonnie
and a ha-cha-cha

[RK, 8/13/22]

Downward and Outward

I’ve been talking about death since 1968
drawn to the cycle of reincarnation at
age twelve, writing childish rooftop poetry

comparing people to flowers or clouds
zipping in bang endings a la HergĂ©’s Tintin
practicing the neatness learned in school

no loose ends, apt metaphor for karma and maya
now I dream of that long ago house, sneak
inside in bizarre scenarios that leave me

tossed from the bed, bruised on the concrete floor
immediately wondering if a possible head injury
will trigger the transition to the next

[RK, 8/13/22]

Wrong Number

yes it was this Tuesday, AND next Tuesday
it was this week and all of next year
centuries, millennia, time measured
in James Webb telescope light year images
now they send text messages and emails
to remind you of the appointments
you try so hard to forget

[RK, 8/13/22]

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