
Kith and Kin

Trying to find the place I’ve been

where there are people I know 

trapped somewhere in between 

the closed circle and the open square.

[LSS, 11/26/23]


Stonehouse and WCW Have Tea

Right now I’m writing

a right-now poem. 

You eat the plum, 

I’ll save the pit.

[LSS, 11/24/23]


Reticence Denied

One yellow apple leaf 

ready to leave its nest 

ready to return 

to the ground ready 

to receive it.

[LSS, 11/18/23]


Inside a Circle Without a Center

ticket stubs for trains 

that never left the station

admission tickets for events that happen 

only when you blink

hands of broken alarm clocks 

made into an empty fist

a small book that grows larger 

each time you erase another word

[LSS, 11/11/23]


Fugitive Color

And then the ink master died, 

and we, the disciples, were left 

foraging for reasons and maybe 

a few last words that might be 

shimmering still in the vials. 

[LSS, 11/10/23]

Return to Standard Time

What have you 

done against reason, 

against the loss

of daylight, against 

your deepest regret 

for not having 

made yourself visible 

to help someone

else fading from


[LSS, 11/10/23]



Sometimes a poem

can be nothing

more than this.



[LSS, 11/8/23]

Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...