
I Ching, Hexagram 30


‘radiance,’ flush

with anticipation I allow

agoraphobia to fade, flutter

fall into daydreams


quail run through underbrush

towhees kick litter and duff

flickers pound the chimney pipe

owls perch at the roof’s edge

ash-throated flycatchers, alight



[sound of wind & hand gesture of wings flapping]


dry desert air floods mid-afternoons

pinyon, juniper, ponderosa pine

the mineral taste of granite

sunset glow beyond Iron Springs

a slow climb around 

Two Rock Mountain

later a dry wind fills the canyon

clouds rise above the Verde Valley

look but don’t touch


here, now

hurricanes, alligators, osprey

littered Clearwater beaches

eighty-nine degree Fahrenheit Gulf waters

thick humidity, rotted trees

fungus the daily penultimate chapter

touch but don’t look

[RK, 8/18/2020]

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