
Equals You


hard to ignore walls lined with bookshelves

those books turned spines to the wall

bland, blank, meaningless repartee

over the click clack of domino tiles

passing time without

sextant, compass, sails, oars

drifting into the next moment


principles flutter, come to roost

semi-evolved sort of, kind of

squared, seared, sequestered between the pages of

conservative Christian hymnbooks from 1951


friendships dissolve in the light

do I judge on a scale of one to ten?

very well, I judge on a scale of one to ten


#2 darkness equals newts, geckos, random frogs

#5 darkness equals raccoons, possums, rabies

#8 darkness equals coyotes, bacterial infections, polio

#10 darkness equals you raised to unknown factors

[RK, 10/1/2020]





whispered balance between productivity

laziness, and drawing from the correct side of the brain

a round pebble from your northwest shingle

broken shell from my white sandy beach

driftglass, etched shadows, palm fronds

feathers, leaves, tree bark

ice water, rose, pitch

moth, mica, salt

[RK, 10/1/2020]

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Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...