


a recycled gallon pickle jar filled with

chamomile, ashwagandha, moringa

ginger, turmeric, echinacea, licorice

the small tin of

kagoshima first flush green

overload of gems

you will drink three for each of my ones


this liquid scale, balance,

intimation of equality, equalness


[RK, 10/9/2020]


European upper class white male philosophy

is no help when a muscle pinches a nerve

age, time, decay, angry sadness

at things undone or unfinished


a Brompton cocktail would eliminate

clinical coronavirus depression

political arena awareness

dollops of too much sun

old sneakers filled with sand

typed work from home chats

jury-rigged household plumbing

insubstantial musings about

life, love, friendship

understanding, the pursuit of sleep

[RK, 10/9/2020]

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