Your Blackberry Roman Á Clef (after Romance Novel)
chapter one lays out the groundwork
by turns, friable, loamy, overlain
with mouse footprints
chapter seven delves into character development
the antagonist is made human
through a single selfless action
chapter eleven our heroine, protagonist
flutters about the thorny patch partly
trampled down by thoughtless bears
chapter twenty-two a throwaway moment
from chapter three shudders into sharp relief
the narrative suffers repeated setbacks
chapter thirty-eight’s plot lines tangle
fast and precarious, leaving the reader
uncertain of who to cheer for
the penultimate chapter describes a resolution
of sorts, in emotionless detail, the woods
around her house offer solace and safety
chapter one thousand and one she crushes
blackberries in her hands, gobbles them down
when no one is looking
[RK, 11/26/20]
a stingray, a silver dollar sized
silver fish, kingfishers rattle above
playful cormorants dart beneath hulls
overarching mangrove trunks, tangled
roots, shallow intercoastal communiques
mangled by a cell phone photo map
unfeathered paddles whack branches
every plus and minus balanced
even though balance is improbable
[RK, 11/26/20]
What You Heard Me Say When I Said Yes
I’m not sure
do I have to?
it doesn’t need to be like that
is that what you want?
I disagree
what are the options?
I don’t want to
is there an alternative?
I don’t like it
[RK, 11/26/20]
Slipping Away (after Combing the Beach)
eddies left by paddles
a bare choppy sea lit
inescapable light, lingering
long after the passage of boats
what remains unsaid, measured
with cracked gray oysters
clinging, surrounded by gnats
here on the rising tide, rising,
floating, and falling,
rising, floating, and falling,
rising, floating, and falling,
falling, falling.
[RK, 11/26/20]
Root, Trunk, Limb, Twig, Flower, Fruit
one of those winding conversations
without beginning or end, for example
our mutual distain for a consumer life
lmade easy by a dependence on oil
viewpoints which join us at the hip
while the unspoken stories remain
tangled, sixty year old roots hidden
in split rocks and sludgy clay
[RK, 11/26/20]