

this line pedals hard to keep up
this line takes a hot shower on a cold morning
this line adds Thai peppers to a bowl of pho
this line enjoys chocolate for the first time in weeks
this line feels the early evening chill
this line recalls watching black and white art films
this line is the bicycle
this line is a water bill
this line is your laughter
this line did not like chocolate
this line wore an extra shirt
this line is a black and white art film

[RK, 12/10/2020]

an afternoon with good stage lighting
the way forward recalled with pleasure
the return adds to the existing edifice
weather-, strength-, and stamina-wise
an expected shift of afternoon light says:
just go (I sketch a corner of the world)
all things pass (I briefly cling)
I’ll find you (loss becomes me)

[RK, 12/10/2020
Consumption (after Simile)

eons of water dripping
endlessly wears away
diamonds and gold bands
is your name Fossil Resin?
I will call you Orange Blossom
less the scent, you were sent
to retrieve blood oranges
bosc pears, red pippins that
Atalanta failed to pick up

[RK, 12/10/2020]
Eidetic Memory

I told you a soup story
you do not remember
placing a bowl on a tray

[RK, 12/10/2020]

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The New World Here I have made my life  again and again and again  remembering what it is to live my life again. [LSS, 6/27/24]