
To Do List #2

manuscripts migrate onto kitchen counters.
pens, pencils, and color markers lose their place in the queue
juice and coffee stains highlight editorial decisions

binder clips multiply like lemmings
clocks and calendars harass me with numbers
checkmarks vanish as quickly as they are made
I switch to invisible ink
and create hundreds of lacunae
until the day book is blank

[RK, 12/24/2020]

Christmas Eve

I took the ornaments down for the last time
in 2005, boxed them, and threw them away
in 2018.

[RK, 12/24/2020]

The Field Guide to Exotic Birds

I opened it at random, eyes closed
poked a finger on three pages
hoping for a portent or explanation
“The goddess Hestia was honored in the temples of all the other gods.”
“Can the Russian obshchina, though greatly undermined, yet a form of the primeval common ownership of land, pass directly to the higher form of Communist common ownership?”
“Fennel, a member of the parsley family, grows wild around the Mediterranean region.”
I am disappointed but not overwhelmed
the top forty hits keep coming
[RK, 12/24/2020]

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Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...