
And Then

Snow falling 

on cinders, 

a convenient 


No memory,

no ash.

[LSS, 2/22/23]


The Sound

of a house skidding

into a horse-drawn 

calliope, a page


with no edges 

singing a bonfire 

to life.

[LSS, 2/20/23]



Are there glaciers 

in Florida?

Are they crushing 

you, the ghost orchids 

into a single 

layer of rock?

[LSS, 2/12/23]



Night Circus

Mending holes in the fortune

teller’s tent, the cost of a lost 

stitch the opening of the night 

sky and the five worst things 

that could happen to you disappear 

before the overture begins.

[LSS, 2/10/23]

Recalcitrant Donkey

It takes an hour to walk 

the limited conversation, 

the half-moon fly trap,

and all its dead constellations 

out the door.

[LSS, 2/10/23]

Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...