
Prana, Circling

four hours wakefulness in the center of the night
kitchen paced, food heated, cold tea sipped
fruit rats, armadillos, possums, and endless rabbits
waddle in open spaces beneath owl talons
circle in silence beyond blanketed windows

impossible to fall asleep, even as I fall asleep
with a darkest-before-the-dawn sky
alarm set for six, unyielding

morning is a slog through spread sheets on monitors
spinning pixels mirror blasé flows chugging through
the body’s nāḍī, prana tempering internal organs
the tingles at the fingertips

ida ascendant, pingala reserved
sushumna steady as soft rocks
sandstone, tuff, decomposed granite

intermittent rain although the prediction was set
at fifteen percent, not seventy-five
unplugged electronics just in case
leftovers chilled in sixteen ounce plastic containers

I yield to sleep
the dénouement is late afternoon light
it circles around, same as morning
same breath, t-shirt, curled mattress impression
same raptors
circle, cavort, claw the same prey
[RK, 7/28/2020]

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Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying   and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...