
I Ching, Hexagram 20 (Up)


you wish for

black-crowned night herons in the oak tree

boat-tailed grackles perched over the water

ash-throated flycatchers feeding chicks

cardinals describing feathery arabesques

herons plucking frogs and fish

ospreys plunging, limpkins screaming

gulls, terns, skimmers

the elusive aerial display


stop turning inward

look out

look up

[RK, 10/3/2020]




I Ching, Hexagram 14 (The Goldilocks Zone)


no bumps, darts, untended fires, surprises, revelations,

no burned diaries, closed doors, exhibitions of surprise

no letting go, facing up, holding down, moving about

no magic

within the magic circle

[RK, 10/3/2020]

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