Acrosterigma cygnorum
Acrostics and anagrams
hover on the Australian horizon.
Dusk only falls on open books.
[LSS, 2/28/21]
A Northwest to Southeast writing collaboration between Laura Stangel Schmidt on Whidbey Island, WA and Robert Kostuck in Clearwater, FL.
Daily Ritual
We always think
of one last thing
to do before
we leave the house
and that is how
we keep ourselves
from dying.
[LSS, 2/26/21]
Deadbolt, Doorknob, Threshold, You
Touching the things
containing an “O”
as I walk
through the door.
[LSS, 2/26/21]
Snow Moon
A day without a plot,
full moon lighting the stage,
no lines to memorize, no curtain calls, no encores,
only the intermission
of arbitrary, self-imposed
[LSS, 2/26/21]
Rite of Spring
I want the light
to be like that again,
the way it was that day
the grasshoppers hatched
out of the orchid pot
on the kitchen table
and flew out the door
I leave open for them
in case they decide
to come back home.
[LSS, 2/23/21]
Tomorrow’s Itinerary
We are planning to travel
through a blizzard,
over a mountain pass,
into the barren plains,
and maybe back again,
to escape the sameness
of our perfect home climate.
[LSS, 2/23/21]
Internal Frankenstein
The central nervous system
and the enteric nervous system
are attempting to construct
a third nervous system
to handle the overflow
of news, facts, reactions,
sorrows, and recipes
for the perfect chocolate cake.
[LSS, 2/23/21]
Night Funeral
The coyotes are clearing
their throats of bones and burs,
running their voices
through the lower scales,
rehearsing their dirges
for the moment I fall
asleep in their cathedral.
[LSS, 2/22/21]
Song Bird
You’ll have plenty of time
to sing about loss
after you release the sparrow.
[LSS, 2/22/21]
I polished all the mirrors
and set them decades ahead
of the nearest light switch
so we can see which one of us
will be the first to disappear
when the film begins to burn
in the projector.
[LSS, 2/16/21]
Snow Angels and Self-Portraits Drawn in Steam on the Bathroom Mirror
Things I made today
while looking for a reason
to make some other things
that stood a better chance.
[LSS, 2/16/21]
Lost in the Museum
If you look, you can find me in this painting
kissing a mysterious woman leaning out
over the velvet rope, admiring her self-portrait,
her masterpiece painted centuries ago
and quite unlike the style of her master
whose name is inscribed on the plaque.
[LSS, 2/16/21]
Reading in Bed
I fall asleep on my back
book spread open
pages 38-39 slumbering
like an infant on my chest.
I wake just before dawn,
turn to face the window,
watch the snow falling
on endnotes, page 400.
[LSS, 2/12/21]
Four O’Clock Blues
Your saving grace
was that you slit
only the envelope
and not the entire sky
in your fever to know
what was hidden inside
that gaudy piñata.
[LSS, 2/12/21]
Anecdote of the Open Road
Pickle jar full of trucker piss
thrown into a roadside ditch
reflecting the glow of the moon,
a beacon in the night.
[LSS, 2/11/21]
Boarding House
The landlady untethers her house
and lets it drift until her windows
frame a fresh series of paintings
to entertain the paying guests.
[LSS, 2/11/21]
Blueprint Blues
You didn’t like
that house,
clinging so hard
to the rubble
of its foundation,
so you erased it.
Now you’re drawing
this house
adding rooms on top
of other rooms
and painting the walls
to look like windows
looking out over some
abstract landscape
that means nothing
now and never will
until you add
the ladders and stairs
and invite someone
to join you.
[LSS, 2/9/21]
You walk into the room
and feel the inevitable swaying
of the walls around you.
Having confirmed your size
and assessed the general
fitness of your form,
they wrap their latex arms
around you and draw you
in for the night.
[LSS, 2/9/21]
Suspended Animation
You are patiently waiting
beneath the sea ice,
the water absorbing and repeating
your treading motions,
until someone swimming
in a warmer ocean
sends a message inscribed
on a narwhal tusk
telling you it’s safe
to go back home.
[LSS, 2/9/21]
Marginal Note The glue spreaders are dying and the eaves are drying after their nightly cry. Nothing sticks anymore. The singulari...