
I Wish I Had

number and dated all those letters
kept track of thousands of books
remembered every phone number and address
saved transient social media moments
learned from, boxed up, and taped shut errors
and moved on

[RK, 1/2/2022]

Yet Another New Moon Intentions Burn

reading penciled notes on slips of paper
ten or twelve times
touching the naval, heart, throat, third eye, and crown
maṇipūra, anahata, vishuddha, ajna, sahasrara 
creased, held above a candle
dropped into a metal pan

smoke mingles with distant shredded clouds
repetition, repetition
commitment, resolve, best laid plans
ashes dumped on the compost pile

a saucepan on the stovetop
gray intentions against changeable confrontations
the incense burns away
leaves behind
social media temptations
and a bowl of rice

[RK, 1/2/2022]

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